
66 Successful Bloggers

The Biz of Knowledge blog has an interesting post titled “66 Successful Bloggers and What they can teach you”. Below you will find the first 10 entries:
1. Seth Godin - will teach you what kinds of blogs there are.
2. Bob Cragill - will teach you the value of blogging.
3. Julie Woods - will teach you why companies should monitor blogs
4. John Kindle - will teach you how to get great blogging results
5. Tom Vander Well - will answer the question - “How many readers do you need for success?”
6. Large John Brock - will tell you the importance of writing well

7. Dave Taylor - will teach you about successful business blogging
8. John Foster - will teach you about the need for common sense when blogging
9. Joseph Thornley - will teach you about introducing social media to an organization
10. Robert French - will teach you about social media
You can check the complete list here. Related posts with thumbnail


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